First Baptist Church Glen Rose is a growing church located about 60 miles outside of the Dallas/Ft Worth area. They partnered with Impact Stewardship to raise funds to expand and reconfigure their existing facility. The increase in young families and children necessitated the need for expansion. FBC’s project provides new children’s classrooms, multi-purpose rooms, and a connection between buildings that allows for a singular community of disciples to gather in fellowship. It, also, includes a large remodel of existing spaces to accommodate their ever growing junior and senior high school ministries with worship spaces and outdoor recreation opportunities.
They selected Impact Stewardship and Master’s Plan Church Design and Construction to help them determine how much money they could raise and develop a plan to accommodate their needs based on a workable budget. Click here to read the Church Executive Magazine article for a more in-depth account of the project coordination from the church’s perspective.
Pastor Rick Lineberger has led other churches through building projects. He was especially pleased with the level of results and support he received from the Impact Stewardship team. “I look at [Impact Stewardship] and [Master’s Plan] as servant leaders. Despite their vast experience, neither came across like they knew it all and we needed to just follow; they were more than willing to customize the plan to fit our church.”
FBC was able to reach their target of $2 million. The campaign received a big kick off with an initial first fruits offering of $345,000 to get them started. Being on board early in their process, enabled Impact Stewardship to add value in many ways, including:
- Forecasting their financial potential early to help them develop an achievable project
- Staging the pre-campaign vision rollout for the project to the church
- Developing a campaign plan to engage the entire church
- Creating the church-wide promotion and media communication that was a vital part of the process